Jean Verstraete and Frans Scheerder as an elder.
In the fir-woods of south Sweden during the intense period of summer. In the Boras area at almost 75 km from Göteborg.
Exact data for 2025 available in the autumn Contact me for more information.
Detailled information is available on request per email Mail me
Jean Verstraete and Annika Zilliacus
On small islands in the archipelago-area from Kimito in south Finland at the end of the summer with so close basic-elements as light, water, rocks and seawinds present all the time. Inviting, connecting and inspiring for our soul. At almost 250 km of Helsinki.
Detailled information is available on request per email Mail me
In august 22 and oktober 22, we will offer a sweatlodgeleadertraining in 2 blocks of 6 and 3 days. Some have been waiting for a long time, as soon as the pandemic-time is over, we will explore all the abundance the sweatlodgeceremony keeps giving us.
Mail me your interest in participating before 30 june.
Annika Zilliacus and Jean Verstraete
Place and terms still to be confirmed
Open to everyone longing to connect to their inner fire, to the ancient sacred fire traditions and experience ways to stay nurtured by this inner flame throughout everyday life. How is your inner fire burning inside now? Being connected with your inner fire means powerful and inspired leadership, a deep-rooted focus in everyday decisions and better insight in the distribution of energies. 4 days to explore the powers of Fire within you. The program will nourish your Quest for your inner fire, encourage your learning how to nurture it in contact with Nature, helping you to find new ways of containing all its dimensions and opening up to celebrate its sacredness
In this workshop you will : • deepen your intimate relationship with fire-(keeping) and your inner flame • experience the healing power of Fire-spirit, creating sparks within through connection with mythology and old fire-traditions. • receive tools to incorporate at home in your daily practices and learn how to make fire without matches, keep a log burning for 24hrs,…. Learn from old practices of the Sami, Lakota,.. . • also be invited to connect to the shadow aspects of Fire, the other side of acknowledging the power of inner fire • experience the fire-healing powers through the sweatlodge ceremony
This workshop will • change your relation to making fire • transform the way you connect to the burning flames and meditate with the glow • open you up to the presence of transformative powers within your inner fire : passion, magic, energy • offer a safe and protective environment to experience hidden, unknown aspects of your inner fire for possible deep transformation
This workshop suits you if you wish • to have some time with yourself to reflect and recharge your batteries • to get practical tools to maintain your inner fire connection • to Experience a true and vivid connection with different fire-traditions and wisdom • to embody more all what’s happening around you and in the world.
Where To be confirmed
Terms Costs • Costs includes all standard accomodation (Bio-catering, facilitators fee and fire + sweatlodgematerials.
More information
Arrival on first day in the morning between 9-11 AM. This will give you time to settle in. The ceremonial gate will open at 11 AM. We will finish on the last day by 16 PM.
For more information please contact Jean Verstraete by mail or phone or +32 473 931 077
More information On request per email
At the transition of each season in 2024
• On Saturday 6 july : for the new summer • On Saturday 14 september : for the new autumn • On Saturday 21 december : for the new winter
Timing: Start at 10 AM (welcome from 9.30), end between 6 and 8 PM, don’t plan any other activities that evening.
Registration: By email
Costs 100€ per person to be paid on the spot (part of this goes to NATUURPUNT in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw and to TCHENDUKUA-projects for the KOGI-Indians in Colombia) Limited number of participants, registration beforehand is compulsory.
Place: In OOSTERZELE close to Ghent, or on other locations (French Alps or other places in Belgium. Detailed roadmap will be sent after registration.
Sweat lodges also on demand for special occasions : birth, transition, anniversary, teambuilding.
Time for yourself with two sweatlodgeceremonydays, long walks in the mountains. Time to reconnect with so much light, stones and rocks, water and fire around. Always a good time for your well-being. A breathtaking panorama of 360° where nature as still her greatness offering a permanent show. High on the top of a mountain in the Alpes de Haute Provence, on a glacier polished by ice and water for ages with old marks from ancient inhabitants older than 3000 years. Detailed information is available on request per email Register before 30 June. Staying in a gîte in the old fortifications of a fort. In the Alps of the Haute Provence at +/- 45 km from GAP.