The core of a Vision Quest trajectory is to spend 4 days and nights alone out in the wild nature, without food or activities, as part of a 10-day trajectory. Going out on a Vision Quest enlarges the connection with the Self, your highest potential and a deep feeling of belonging to our Planet.
It is a "dying in order to be reborn"-ceremony. A part of those engaging in the quest will metaphorically come to die so as to make new space for the next chapter of self-realization, in connection with your community.
Do you wish to ascertain whether it is the right time for you to embark on a Vision Quest, then please make a personal appointment with me.
I will help you to figure it out. You can contact me by email in order to meet up through skype or telephone.
An intense period of 6 months in which the question: "how can I serve life-force?" was being pured out, lived, cultivated and answered. This Vision-Quest trajectory is so much more than just 4 days of fasting.
It is a unique group training which also taught me many things on a professional level as supervisor. The location in Sweden is very carefully chosen. The accompaniment was/is by TOP-experts within their field.
The Vision Quest is an intense nesting-experience in nature. The experiences and accompaniment of Jean and the staff co-constructs one's own nest in body and soul. This Nature and own body/soul-nest can in its own turn help others to enst and fly out. A nest within a nest, in a nest like the Matrouskas, painted with flowers, life, nature, ..
Everything during the Vision Quest has brought me close to myself again. By being reconnected to myself, I am also again closer to everything and everyone around me. It is an experience for life, an experience to cherish, whatever I do.
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Site update 2021