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Vision Quest

What is a Vision quest?

The core of a Vision Quest trajectory is to spend 4 days and nights alone out in the wild nature, without food or activities, as part of a 10-day trajectory. Going out on a Vision Quest enlarges the connection with the Self, your highest potential and a deep feeling of belonging to our Planet.
It is a "dying in order to be reborn"-ceremony. A part of those engaging in the quest will metaphorically come to die so as to make new space for the next chapter of self-realization, in connection with your community.

Leadership rooted in (your) nature
During the entire Vision Quest you will open yourself up to the forms and powers of the other-than-human-world around your spot. A number of ceremonies are being added before, during and after this ritual period.

These ceremonies and experiences will support, either in group and/or individually, your own potential to connect with deeper layers of the soul.
The ones experienced during the solo-time in particular will strengthen one's own soul-empowerment as well as the unique experience you'll engage in with your heart and your total Being.

An experienced support, non-directive or steering, but on the contrary connected to the essence and ancient tradition of "crying for internal leadership at the service of a community" will vigilantly and mildly remain present so as to guide you to this threshold.

All of this we call a Vision Quest ritual and includes 2 preparatory days, ç days on the spot with 4 days and nights of solo-time and another day of integration with a total of 4 Sweat Lodges. This way we can guarantee the quality, care and depth that you 'sacrifice' and effort merits and ensure that this ancient tradition is being respected.

The aim or intention of a Vision Quest, when used as an experience to encounter your deep soul, is to break with our ordinary relation to ourselves and the world and to die in the identity we've so far inhabited - the story we have lived and which we could call our first identity or ego-identity.
To break with all that and leave it behind us (crying, lamenting and moaning, which brings us close to the initial meaning of the Lakota's Hanblecheya Crying/lamenting for a vision) - and to empty ourselves as much as possible in order to receive the new, more connected to who we truly are. A rooted eco-identity which we understand from within by encounters and/or revelations connected to Nature and ourselves.
By admitting Nature as a mirror and source of the Self, you will quickly find the internal rhythm as an essence to move and make choices more freely. And always with the perspective of being at the service of your community. Following an internal obligation as it were. A shift from often living too rationally towards an existence carried by your whole Being.
This is more than a temporary back-to-basics-adventure. Carried by the ceremonial time, a new soul-breath opens itself, which holds in itself the renewal as a germ and a fresh start.

Do you also feel the call to die and lament, to experience emptiness for a new connection, nourishing and healing for yourself and your community?

You can sign up for a free orienting skype-conversation to get this clear or request the flyer for more information.

Vision Quest-Bladerdak in de natuur
Your Vision Quest?

Do you wish to ascertain whether it is the right time for you to embark on a Vision Quest, then please make a personal appointment with me.
I will help you to figure it out. You can contact me by email in order to meet up through skype or telephone.

Vision Quest-Retraite in de natuur
Vision Quest-Water en steen
Testimonials Vision Quest

An intense period of 6 months in which the question: "how can I serve life-force?" was being pured out, lived, cultivated and answered. This Vision-Quest trajectory is so much more than just 4 days of fasting.


It is a unique group training which also taught me many things on a professional level as supervisor. The location in Sweden is very carefully chosen. The accompaniment was/is by TOP-experts within their field.


The Vision Quest is an intense nesting-experience in nature. The experiences and accompaniment of Jean and the staff co-constructs one's own nest in body and soul. This Nature and own body/soul-nest can in its own turn help others to enst and fly out. A nest within a nest, in a nest like the Matrouskas, painted with flowers, life, nature, ..

Everything during the Vision Quest has brought me close to myself again. By being reconnected to myself, I am also again closer to everything and everyone around me. It is an experience for life, an experience to cherish, whatever I do.

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© Essensito 2019
Site update 2021