To all who hear the calling of the Sweat Lodge for leading and sharing it with others**, we'll probably offer end '21 or beginning of '22 a training for Sweat Lodge leaders in 3 modules. Since some of you have been waiting for years, we'll explore the abundance the Sweat Lodge offers us as soon as the pandemic allows us to.
In this training you will be accompanied in taking the role of Sweat Lodge leader. We will support you as you go stand in the line of Ancestors. The training consists of 3 modules, each of 3 or 4 days. In between we'll also offer Sweat Lodges, both for practice and for deepening.
You will receive a lot of basic knowledge on the ceremony (history, building, elements of the ceremony, wind directions,...) experiences from practice, how to handle the energies present... you will be given a sufficient amount of invitations and challenges to tackle your own proces; to each time formulate more clearly your own authentic way and medecine as source in this world.
A wide experience with Sweat Lodges is obviously required, and sufficient experience as fire keeper is strongly recommended in order to fully appreciate this unique training. Open to men and women, we'll work in a group of max 6 people for a period of 11 days.
If interested, contact us (again) before June 30, 2022. We already have some candidates. Definitive dates will be fixed in September.
Open to everyone who wants to connect with his inner fire, experience the wisdom of old traditions about fire and learn how to keep in touch with his/her own inner fire during everyday activities in life. Learning the lessons of fire : how to build a fire according to old knowledge from the Sami or the Lakota, how to connect with dark and bright side of fire and opening up to the sacred dimensions of fire. A workshop of 4 days to discover all the fire-voices within you. A rich and intens experience which can change profoundly your relationship to fire: while preparing the fireplace, igniting the fire and keeping it burning.
Facilitators: Annika Zilliacus has been practicing and exploring shamanism for twenty-five years. She has studied with various shamans from different cultures all over the world. She teaches internationally and offers Sweat lodge ceremonies and leads Vision Quests at her home in the deep forests in Sweden and in the Finnish archipelago. In her practice in Borås she works with transpersonal psychotherapy and bodywork and blends it with ancient shamanic practices and rituals. The intimate contact with Nature and Spirit have always been a strong source of inspiration and guidance and the fundament of all her work.
Frans Scheerder M.A., psychotherapist, educator and trainer, gives workshops in a number of countries. He draws inspiration from his experiences with medicine people in native societies and his own heritage. Frans is a Ritual Elder (USA) who respects ceremony from diverse cultures, especially the sacred rites of West Africa, where he is acknowledged as medicine man by the organization of medicine people as well as the university of Yaoundé and the Public Health Ministry. He transforms ceremonies in a more western shape, encouraged by native American chiefs and medicine people. Frans has served as a leader for Sweat lodges, healing lodges and Vision Quests in Europe and Scandinavia since the 80’s. Vision Quest for professionals, companies have his motivation these days.
Jean Verstraete, has professional roots in Orthopedagogy, Gestalt and bodywork and has a long experience with Change & people management in service companies. He now combines psychotherapeutic work (mainly with trauma, high sensitivity and work-related issues) both individually and in groups. He has a passion for nature rituals, offers Sweat Lodges in Belgium and France as well as Vision Quests in northern Europe. He published a book in Dutch and French about the sweat lodge experience ‘Aan al mijn verwanten’ ‘A tous mes ancêtres’– 2013.
To be confirmed
Terms To be confirmed
More information Detailled information is available on request per email